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When is San Blas Busiest and When is the Best Time to Visit?

Understanding San Blas Seasons: When Crowds Peak and Tranquility Reigns

The region on Guna Yala (the San Blas Islands) experiences different levels of activity and busyness throughout the year, depending on various factors. Christmas, Carnival and Easter are definitely busiest.

Much like years behind, our catamarans in San Blas are already booked out for the major holidays mentioned above and, for example, trying to book a yacht charter for Christmas is almost impossible unless we have a cancellation.

Can we escalate our resources to meet demand? the answer is a rotund "no" and this is because this Caribbean region is definitely not your typical Caribbean sailing charter destination. No marinas where to dock, no repair facilities, no fuel, gas etc, limit the amount of charter boats that can provide a decent service with all the responsibilities. San Blas is neither a tourist trap nor a mass tourism location.

The whole untouched and unmatched beauty of San Blas would not have prevailed throughout the years if the islands could be sold to foreign entities or there had been any sort of major investment in infrastructure.

Aerial view of island in Dutch Cays, San Blas islands.
Island in Dutch Cays

Peak tourist season in San Blas typically coincides with the dry season, which runs from December to April. During this time, you can expect more tourists in the islands adjacent to the road and the ports in the coastline.

Busiest dates in San Blas:

Christmas: starting December 24th and ending January 5th, charters quotes increased by 20%

Carnival: dates vary each year, no extra charge: consult exact dates here

Easter: dates vary each year: consult exact dates here charters quotes increased by 20%

It's best to plan your visit or activities based on your priorities and preferences, considering factors like weather and your specific interests.

High season brings the postal-perfect conditions in San Blas but you will not be alone. Wet season, May-October on the other hand, sees almost no boats or tourists but you may have occasional and sporadic rain which can be persistent in very few cases. Do not underestimate sailing in the wet season, it can be a complete pleasurable and even more unique experience.

Excellent views from private catamaran charter cabin in San Blas, during low season.
Excellent views, during low season.

Planning your sailing charter outside major holidays is preferred but we understand you may be limited by work, school and other factors. Either way, our aim is to show you the best islands and cays. What is the point of visiting Dog island, Pelican island or any other busy islands when we have around 250 square miles of untouched natural wonders to discover?

Book smart, get informed.

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