Top 5 Islands Not To Visit In The San Blas
Discover which Islands to Avoid in San Blas
Some of the more than 365 islands in the San Blas region can be affected by overtourism, specially during high season, weekends and national holidays. Islands to avoid are: Isla Perro, Franklin's, Isla Robenson, Isla Perro Chico, Banedub, Pelican island and at times Chichime.
How Much Tourism Is Too Much?
For years, the San Blas Islands remained a hidden gem, shielded by their remote geographical location and the absence of modern communication infrastructure. This isolation preserved the Guna's identity and authentic way of life, untouched by external influences.
Decades ago, visiting San Blas was more of an adventurous quest than a leisurely trip. The journey began with a poorly maintained dirt road from Panama City to a small river port. Landslides and other challenges often rendered the route impassable, deterring transfer companies and tourist agencies alike.
A visit to San Blas could take an entire day, with weather conditions needing to align perfectly. It was a destination reserved for those willing to embrace the unpredictable, a far cry from today's more accessible experiences.
That all changed with the new road and runway. Overall improved communication infrastructure gave way to the development of tourism and in the following years, the San Blas islands closest to the shore and road access felt the pressure derived from outside "interference" in the form of masses of local Panamanian day tourists. If you are looking for a truly unique and delightful vacation, one that will stay with you for ever, best is to avoid any island within Cayo Limon or Lemon Cays.
Which of the San Blas Islands are the best?
It depends of what you are looking for, but not to be ignored are those islands within Dutch Cays, Coco Bandero Cays and Cambombia area. And that is where our catamaran sailing holidays take place.
Our main method to determining which of the San Blas Islands are the best and retain the authentic taste required to be qualified as one of the islands to visit is to perceive when the local indigenous population orients its everyday activities too much toward tourists and has to adapt to the streams of visitors. Clear indications of a saturated island can be detected if we see fishermen stop fishing, grandmothers stop weaving molas and children are nowhere to be found. Loud music and a festive ambiance often accompanies the loss of uniqueness.
Our main goal in our sailing charters in San Blas is to provide an unique and glorious vacation in the most idyllic of the San Blas islands.
What are the best islands in San Blas?
BBQ island or Turtle island
Maoqui (Maqui) island in Dutch Cays
Coco Bandero Cays
You may also want to read our post What Not to Do in the San Blas Islands or our post "From Paradise to Disappointment: Ranking the Best and Worst Islands in San Blas"
Visit Catamaran Adventures San Blas for info on San Blas sailing and our special ways and standards of the best San Blas tours.